One of my first experiences in the Utah countryside was our 4 wheeling the time we were finished, we had to "POP" out of the Jeeps so the mud caked to them wouldn't get all over was totally fun!

I rode in my Mom's newer (and safer), Jeep, with my little sister, brother, and nephew....there were quite a few giggles coming from the back seat, and one, "Mom, promise you won't do that again"....from my sister Lilli. We flew off a hill just a little too fast and the jeep slid sideways. After all, she is very conscientious of her family's well being, you know.....;) It wasn't long after, though, that she was egging my Mom on again with, "Faster, Faster!"....and when we flew off of that next hill...I looked back and she was grinning from ear to ear!

And just to make it feel even more special, it had snowed the day before we arrived, so everything sparkled!

Later that day we went hunting for a place to sled, that hadn't been melted away by the took a while, but we found the perfect hill! Here is a pic of me resting, after a few trips sledding down, and walking up it:

...and sledding down again...

The view from the bottom looking up (with Ryan, my brother Ben, and nephew Ethan, in the background):

Here is Ryan getting ready to sled down specifically so I can take a pic...what a sport!...Giggle...
...and I got the perfect shot...
The next day, I baked a lot in the kitchen, and in between went for a walk in the backyard with Gatsby. Here is what I found....
...Gatsby met the neighbor's horse, which turned out quite well, being that he had never seen one before:
...There is a piece of an old fence still standing that looked beautiful to me:
...Gatsby with his "squinty" eyes...he is very focused, you see:
...And a big tree that looks absolutely amazing without all it's leaves:
Hope you enjoyed the pics! Thanks Mom & Dodd for having us!