My next layout kit for Pink Pineapple Scrapbooks will be at their store on Wednesday, December 2nd. They will be for sale as long as supplies last, for only $7.00 each. This kit comes with a strip of letter paper, so you can make your title spell whatever you like (plus a strip of chipboard to mount the letter paper with). There are also two adorable tags that fit into a pocket for more photos and /or journaling.
I really enjoyed putting this layout together. The photos I used were from camping with my family up in WA state. My little sister was so scared of what was in the forest at night....I don't think she slept very well. However, that didn't keep her from sneaking a werewolf mask into her backpack, and scaring the boys that night!!! Hence my title "Braving The Wild".
Have a great Monday everyone!!!
Thanksgiving 2007 with family. The balcony of The Cliff Club at Snowbird, Utah. Wonderful, exciting snow!!!
I love my blogger award!!! Gloria is a bright eyed, beautiful girl who recently opened up her very own Etsy Shop. She crochets the softest, warmest scarves and hats.....check her out HERE.To accept this award do the following:- Thank the person who nominated you for this award.
- Copy the logo and place in on your blog.
- Link to the person who nominated you for this award.
- Name 7 things about yourself that people might find interesting.
- Nominate 7 Kreative Bloggers.
- Post links to the 7 blogs you nominate.
- Leave a comment on each of the blogs letting them know they have been nominated.
O.K. 7 random things about me are:- I started out scrapbooking by taking old cards, cutting them up, adding a photo, and then making new cards out of it all.
- I grew up on 120 acre farm in WA State (in a tiny town very close to Forks). I'm a country girl living in the city.
- Guinness is one of my FAVORITE beers. I LOVE beer :)
- My parents owned a video store (and I love movies).
- I'll be married 14 yrs. this December.....my sweetie is a musician, and makes beautiful art.
- One of my favorite things to do is listen to music (I do it when I am at home, when I jog, when I drive, and sometimes to fall asleep).
- I took voice lessons when I was young, have an OK voice, and am currently working on a Christmas album with my husband (hope to have some MP3s to share in a few weeks).
For my nominations, there are so many blogs I love, and find inspiring! Some of them have been nominated already, so that helps a little with a few less choices.....here are 7 that are awesome:- Beth Perry
- Christina Rayevich
- Asa Danielson
- Ruby Claire
- Kris (aka. Inkster)
- Michelle Clement
- Nely Barger
Enjoy checking out their blogs! Have a wonderful day!!!
On Thursday, November 19th at 3:30pm we were ready. We were wearing our New Moon tee shirts, (I actually had put on some makeup), we had a cooler packed with vitamin water and coke zeros, and a bag packed with lunch and lots of goodies. Before we knew it we were there, unloading everything out of the truck, and finding our spots in line for theater 3. I had lunch, and shortly after we played the Twilight Scene It game with a sweet girl in the line next to us. It was really fun.....kinda easy, but of course I came in last because every time I rolled the dice I would land on the 1.....tell me, how is that even possible??? Giggle.....memories..... By the time we were finished with the game, it was too dark to play another, and starting to get a little chilly. For the rest of our time in line, we walked to a nearby coffee shop (twice), Miss P. listened to her ipod, I read magazines I had brought with articles on Kristen & Robert (photo below), took random pics with my phone and sent them to my friends with updates (you know who you are), and then it got really cold. Miss P. said there was an invisible blizzard, and called Gloria, who kindly brought her a blanket and scarf (photo below).....and I was just thankful I wore leggings instead of stockings with holes. At this time, our chatting had become increasingly sporadic, more intense, and even more excited. It was the craziest kind of high.....there was so much excitement in the air that had built up over the past 6 hours, you could feel it seeping into your body. In no time, we were taking our folding chairs, magazines, and food back to the truck, and it instantaneously warmed up with everyone standing in line instead of sitting. The theater was kind enough to let us find our seats at 10pm (probably because it was so cold outside), and before we knew it the movie was starting!!! I have never heard so many ooohs, and awwwees, and young girls squealing in my life!!! The boys in the movie were gorgeous, and the movie started with the image of a new moon that had the most beautiful golden hue. It set the tone for the rest of the movie very well. One of my favorite parts of the movie was when the song "Possibilities" started.....the song and images on the screen are sooooo captivating together. It is my new favorite scene and song :)Here is a collage of Miss P. and I waiting patiently in line (you can kind of see my tee shirt....there is a Quileute symbol for the moon, Bella's truck with Edward's name written in a heart with an arrow through it on the windshield, the moonlight shining down in purple, blue and green, and the forest surrounding it all):
.....And a photo of our happy, tired faces after the movie:
Thank you soooo much Miss P.!!! It would have not been the same with anyone else!!! It was a blast!!!

This past weekend I made a rare trip to the Nordstroms in Fashion Valley. My sweet friend, Miss P. and I wanted to buy tee shirts to wear to this Thursdays midnight showing of New Moon! We showed up just in time for Nordstroms' "Twilight Takeover Party", and had a blast!!! There were New Moon temporary tattoos (and we are so excited to wear them to the movie), we signed up to win a Life Size Jacob Cutout (which I promised to give Miss P. if I won), they had music playing from the movies, I had a makeover with some of the Twilight Makeup from a really nice makeup artist (Miss P. bought some of the Lip Venom), and of course we took lots of pictures with our phones of all the tee shirts :) Next, we needed some nourishment, and decided to get lunch. We chatted about how awesome the commentary is on the Twilight DVD, how when I was in high school everyone wore peacoats (I grew up a couple towns away from Forks), and other randoms stuff. Once our food was almost gone, we decided to do a recap of all the tee shirts. We had a plan. We were going to pick out which ones to try on, and then go from there.....there were so many fun choices!!! Back at Nordstroms we each found the perfect tee shirt, and left the store glowing with happiness.Before we strolled back to my truck, we were ecstatic to find these New Moon themed drinks at Nordstroms' Cafe:
.....And here is a necklace that I think is absolutely adorable!!!
I didn't get a good photo of the tee shirt I bought, but here are a couple of our favorites. The one on the far right is Miss. P.'s purchase.
You can click HERE to see all the others I didn't photograph.I can't believe that it's almost Thursday!!! Whoooooohoooo!!! I really love all this fun stuff.....it's nice to have things to look forward to.
UPDATE : SOLD OUT.....Next kit coming soon :)
This Minibook Kit is now for sale at Pink Pineapple Scrapbooks for only $27.00 while supplies lasst! It includes the fabric pocket, that I have pre-made, so all you have to do is embellish it :) You can customize this mini for any of your photos, with the Making Memories sticker sheet to spell whatever fits! There are written and color photo instructions, and please feel free to email me if you have any other questions. Also, there are photos of my completed minibook on the sidebar, if you have not seen the sample yet. If you are interested in having a kit mailed to you, please email me at: carrieelias@yahoo.com
Have a GREAT Monday!
I have been busy prepping for my Hair Accessory Swap this weekend, and am so excited!!! Here are some of the little gift boxes I made. Aren't they so cute! Each participant gets two, AND will learn how to make one.
If you are getting a Christmas present from me this year.....you just might find it tucked away in one of these pretties :)
Once a month I meet with a group of friends. We call ourselves the Creators' Circle, and our leader is the very entertaining, very sweet April C. For our festive meeting in November, our group wanted to exchange something homemade with each other.....so, we decided to make Christmas Tags! It is fun to make things for my friends, but I really like the idea of giving them something that they can use. When I give gifts this year, I love that they will be adorned with little pieces of art made by my friends, and people I admire!!! Here is what I decided for my tags:
Products: Basic Grey paper, Hambly black frames, light blue vellum, snowflake ornaments (they are Ike 10 years old, so some of them are a little discolored...kinda adds a vintage feel), bakers twine, typewriter alpha stamp set, and woodgrain contact paper (for the fawn).I wanted to make sure the tags were sturdy, so I added a thin piece of chipboard in between the two papers, and sewed them together. As a final touch, I used a small circle punch with the woodgrain contact paper, and then my crop-a-dile to punch a whole in the circle.....so there is a homemade binder ring on each side of the tag.....just makes it look nicer, I think :)There is an extra tag sitting on my desk, just waiting to be placed in my art journal.....can't wait!!! You can see some of the other projects made by our Creators' Circle group here, and I would also recommend visiting their individual blogs for inspiration (well, two of them have blogs): Jane and
Thanks for an awesome meeting girls! I heart the tags you made!!!
She loves the Twilight books. This photo is from when we went on the Twilight Tour in Forks, WA this past summer. She put on Dr. Cullen's jacket, and blushed.....so precious!!! Isn't she beautiful?
She is growing up so fast!!! She also has "skills". Frisbee throwing skills. Wood widdleing skills. Short story writing skills. Drawing skills.....just to name a few :) Here is a drawing she made for me this past summer, entitled "Daddy's Girl".
My sister Amber called me today, and told me she picked out some flowers to make a bouquet for our little sister's birthday. She dropped the bouquet off at her school!!! How great is that!!! I always loved picking up a bouquet of flowers from the school office, and carrying them around with me from class to class.....I know it will make her day special...Happy Birthday Little Sis!!!
The NEW challenge is up at The Pink Ninjas Challenge Blog, and there are some amazing layouts.....their girls create the coolest art!!!I tried to think of what reminds me of my age the most, and I would have to say having a sister and brother that is so much younger than me does it.....I LOVE them so much!!! Here is my layout (and one of my favorite pics right now):
This was a really fun layout to put together.....It just "flowed" out of me.....I love it when that happens :) For the background paper, I used the new Sassafras Lass (yummy). The waves I cut out of a sheet of Bo Bunny paper.....I added mica flake glitter to the top of some of the waves to make them look "frothy". To add a little texture, I folded the background paper in a few places, and sanded them, so the paper looked like it had been folded in my pocket for a while. Also, the photo is matted with an old sheet of music paper I tore out of a book, and I sewed strips of Hambly between it and the photo. The process is simple, but a little time consuming.....worth it, though.Don't forget to check The Pink Ninjas Challenge Blog. Have a great day!!!

Another circle journal for the Pink Pineapple Design Team. This page is for the amazing Ally, and her theme is "Inspire Me". What a great theme, right???
I find that there are so many things that inspire me.....but one of the biggest is nature, so I created this page with some of my favorite nature photos from the past summer. Honestly, how amazing are the pink Japanese Maple leaves! And how awesome is it to be walking through a thick forest, and see a single beam of sunlight streaming down into the branch of a tree!I always try to add some texture to my creations, so for this project I splattered some magenta ink, layered some silver mesh behind the photos, used my sewing machine in a few places, and layered some white lace behind the Sassafras Lass trim. I also decided to made a homemade embellishment, so I used embroidery thread on white glittered felt to create an owl.....owls belong in trees.....and they are so beautiful!!!
Ally's art is always inspiring to me.....there is just something about the way she makes things.....you always find yourself excited!!! I hope my page for her is inspiring too!!!