Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Lovely Rain

*Lovely Rain*

Today I couldn't help but wish that our 70 + degree weather would suddenly change to a cool rainy afternoon.  

So, when reminiscing through photos tonight this one seemed perfect for sharing.  It's the view from my chair at the dining room table in my Mom's kitchen.....looking through the double doors into her lovely yard.  Everything looks so magical outside (to me) when it's wet.  I remember when I took this photo I was thinking about how content I was at that exact moment.  It may sound crazy, but when you have chronic hives (and are allergic to the sun), living where the sun shines every day gets a little old.  Or maybe it's just that I wish it was Fall already.  Or that I have always loved the rain : )


Tonight I enjoyed watching this.....

Anyone else see it?  I love how they captured the excitement of the event, and think it is so cool that they held them all over the world!  Plus, for someone that doesn't spend much money on fashion, it was fun too see the new trends for this Fall/Winter.  I feel so inspired tonight!!!

Sweet Dreams!
<3 Carrie

1 comment:

  1. Love it!!!! I would love a nice warm end of summer storm right about now!!!! Actually I think my lawn and plants would enjoy it more!

    ~The Mama Monster
