Use your *word* in a sentence.
Yes, Its 2011 and that means its that wonderful time of year when we get to pick our word. You know that word we choose to live by. The word we slowly introduce into our way of life that somehow gives us hope and somehow helps us bring a new meaning to our everyday life. I have chosen the word *Brave*. I feel that in this new year I will be brave in my art. I will be brave in love. I will be brave in my friendships. I will be brave in my mothering. I will be brave in my story telling. For me this means doing those things I am scared of doing, and start showing up for myself were I have been afraid too. I know this will take time but I intend to do my best in showing up for myself.....
I always try to take a moment to figure out how am I going to be able to succeed. I do little things to make my goal attainable and for this year I will write the word. I will put it around my house on post it notes. I will do my best to make myself proud of the brave girl inside of me.....
Hello Lovelies! Welcome to our last photo prompt of the year. With it being just in time for New Years, we thought it would be nice for you to choose a single word that will represent you in 2011.....and so our photo prompt for this week is to.....
Use your *word* in a sentence.
My word for 2011 is *balance*. Recently I have been thinking about wanting to be in that place that makes it easier for me to enjoy life. Don't get me wrong, I do enjoy life, it's just that I sometimes find myself having difficulty dealing with things that make life uncomfortable. My goal for 2011 is to strive for finding that place, and with it be able to work towards more balance in my life. Balance with my sweetie, family, friends, work, play, and everything else. I know it will never be perfect, but it feels like I am on the verge of finding something special.....and growing a lot as a person.....I just have to keep moving.
This photo prompt is a small part of making it happen, and also has a wonderful memory attached to it. I took this photo with my nephew in my brother's backyard. That's him with the flashlight. My 8 year old nephew drew that heart. He helped me take this photo. This photo that is a symbol of what I strive for.....balance.
When you go to take your photo, make it simply what you want. Maybe you want to write down your word in a sentence on paper, and photograph it laying on your table next to some flowers or a cup of coffee.....or maybe you want to hold it, or paint it.....the important thing is that this is a step towards making it real.
Have a fantastic New Years, listen to your heart and go for it!!!
Both your word choices are amazing, I love your reasons behind them. Happy New Year ladies!