Last weekend was a very special rainy day. I wore a pretty pink scarf, spent lots of time with Ryan, and the best part?!?.....I enjoyed a few lovely cups of flowering peach flavored tea from Teavana!!! It's like a miracle. This green tea ball opens up under water and a tall pale yellow flower emerges (pictured above). I think I actually squeaked as I watched it happen : ) IN HEAVEN : ) : )

Today there is also some exciting news I'd like to share with you. Ryan and I have decided to move from San Diego to Seattle......partially for my health, but also so I can be close to my family in Washington.....I am thrilled! Lots of happiness, excitement, packing, spending time with friends and planning with Ryan this month (hence the stagnant blogging). We move in April, and honestly are both a little nervous (we'll miss our friends and family here), but are very happy, ready and willing.....especially since my mother came down for a long weekend of adventure here recently (will share pics of this soon), and one evening she helped me pack most of my kitchen. Now I am even more ready to move on. There's nothing like the support of your beautiful mother <3 Carrie
wooohooo!! you will be in my neck of the woods (kinda lol) good luck on the move & i'm glad it's to somewhere you love.
Woohoo for you carrie!!! I hope the move goes smoothly! I love your pretty blonde hair!!! Hope your having an amazing day!