O.K. So, I know that my prompt this weekend is a day late. Sorry about that. Right now I am sitting at the airport waiting for my flight back to San Diego, and honestly yesterday I just got so caught up in being with my family I totally forgot about it. Yes, I am a major dork from time to time : ) Anyways, the prompt for this week is fun photo technique I have been wanting to try and thought it would be perfect for Spring:
Spring Reflections

The idea behind this photo prompt is to capture the reflection of an image on something else. You can capture a reflection in water, glass, whatever works for you.
The photo above is from a walk at the Railroad Park Bridge in Sequim. There are these large pools of water from a very calm stream that flows into the Dungeness River and when i saw the image of these tall bare tree branches in the water I thought it would be a lovely way to capture how fresh and beautiful Spring can be. Below are two more photos also from my walk (with my baby brother and sister).....

As you can see the water is not as calm in these photos since we decided to venture off along a stream that was quickly moving towards the river. And getting these photos was quite an adventure since the sun was casting my brother and sister's shadow behind them and the stream was in front of us. In order for the kids to get onto the other side of the stream, they had to scoot across a fallen log since the walking path was flooded. And boy did they love that! I snapped the photo just above and then quickly scooted across too. It was nerve racking. Not because I was afraid of falling into stream, but I didn't want Clem to get wet ; ) Once across I took the other photo of the kids and my baby brother's refection in a small pool of water. If you look closely you an see that there are streams on either side of us. It was so beautiful and peaceful there. The bare trees arched and met at their tips creating a giant canopy, and the rushing water was loud but calming. Eventually we scooted back over the fallen log and went on with our day, but these images and how wonderful it felt to be there is still fresh in my mind. What reflections of Spring do you see?
Have the best weekend!
Love, Carrie
P.S. Our special guest for this month is rescheduled to the week of the 22nd <3
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