Saturday, December 8, 2012

{december daily} day 7

{december daily | day 7} wildlights at the zoo
Yesterday Ryan and I had a fun holiday date night at the Woodland Park Zoo for their Wildlights display so I have lots of photos of Christmas lights to share. I can't decided if I want the photo above or below as the main photo for my December Daily page.....right now I'm thinking about adding both, one on top of the other, but we'll see. Today I'm hoping we're going to venture out and find a Christmas tree. Keeping my fingers crossed. XO

You can see days 1 and 2 HERE.
Days 3 and 4 HERE.
And days 5 and 6 HERE.

{december daily | day 7} c+r {december daily | day 7} journaling {december daily | day 7} instagrams {december daily | day 7} trees {december daily | day 7} lights {december daily | day 7} reindeer {december daily | day 7} merry & bright {december daily | day 7} my sweetie {december daily | day 7} more lights {december daily | day 7} moi


  1. your photos are amazing! i love them all! looks like fun night!

  2. Awesome pics! I love the bokeh shots. Can't wait to go to Woodland Park as well! I also live in Seattle.

    -Jenn V

  3. Love all the lights! Fun pictures!

  4. So much pretty! Your photos are gorgeous and are totally getting me in the holiday spirit!
