Tuesday, August 12, 2014

{week 1} #30dayselfportraitchallenge

I've been enjoying this self portrait challenge. In general, I'm not the biggest fan of self portraits but do believe they have an important purpose in appreciating the good and not so perfect in ourselves.  Kara couldn't have put it more perfectly in the description of this IG pic.  It's also been fun to try and imagine how what a part of me is doing today will compare to tomorrow.  My mind is being tested creatively and it feels good.  Here's what my August 1-7th looks like:
  1. Success at the hair salon!  Added dark brown to my roots with a little pulled throughout.  Also had my hair trimmed and shaped.
  2. First time visiting the farmer's market by my house.  Picked out my favorite bouquet for only $5!  The baby bump is starting to show from above.
  3. Messy side braid on another hot day.
  4. Filmed my TGK Summer Kit.  Plus, showing off my first legit manicure in a couple of years.
  5. Red hot cinnamon bears are my jam!  Heard baby girl kick at doctor appointment today.
  6. Blue haired girl.  (Taken with the timer on my camera phone.)
  7. Enjoyment from wearing a crop top while pregnant is something I did not expect ; )

1 comment:

  1. you hair is so awesome, ginger is as far as i've gone, but i was obsessed with Scarlet Johanson pink hair in Lost in Translation for soooo long!
