What's filling your heart. I love this prompt because it's so personal. It belongs to just you. We all have different things and people that fill us up. People and things that when we look at them, take us to that special place. Activities that fill us up with joy. Its one of those prompts that has unlimited possibilities.....

What's filling my heart.....well, a word that is showing up in my life and my heart is, Story. I feel like telling mine. I have so many.
The story of how art changed my life
The story of how my friend showed her love for me
Our love story
The story of how our kids change us everyday
Our high school story
The story of how today changed everything
It's not always possible to tell all of our storys but I thought maybe just having a little note book would allow me to just briefly jot down the words that flutter in my head. This simple little book could hold brief pieces of my story.....the pieces I need to get out.....
I am really excited to see what's filling your heart. I am sure its amazing : )
It's almost Thanksgiving, and my head is spinning with so much these days.....My grocery list for Thanksgiving dinner, making the perfect gluten free gravy, Christmas decorations, presents to be made, Christmas cards to design.....it just goes on and on. And when I sat down to create my project from our last prompt, it made me stop and remember how much I have to be grateful for. It made me think about enjoying the holidays. Enjoying cooking, creating, and being with people I love. It made me think about how grateful I am so have this little reminder of such wonderful Fall memories.....
Putting together my layout was simple and fun. And even though almost each piece of this project has a different pattern to it, I feel like it still blends just the way I wanted it to. To start off, I picked out some of my favorite papers and sewed them together with pretty blue-green thread. Then I cut out my heart shaped photo. Next, I picked out one of my favorite alphas to add the title. Because the heart shaped photo felt like it had movement to me, I decided to add a chipboard arrow and Hambly rub-on to intensify the effect. But before I glued it all down, I ran the background paper through my typewriter to add the written list of What fills my heart. And it was important to me to add it. Even though I know what each of the photos inside my heart represents, for some reason I wanted it written on paper too. And for the final touch, I cut out a piece of Hambly black lace transparency to layer under the heart. I glued it all down.....and all done : )
Enjoy your holiday, and if you find time to create this week I hope you are inspired by something wonderful!!!
Love, Gloria and Carrie
Love, love, love it!!!