Friday, May 11, 2012

{april 29} week in the life

{april 29} Sunday
Only four photos for Sunday. I woke up early, rushed to make the ferry, and arrived back in Seattle before noon where Ryan picked me up and we spent the day at Ikea. The photos above from left to right, top to bottom are:

  • Pretty pattern.  The wood veneer on the ferry.
  • His & Her drinks.  Mine was the Elderflower drink (which tastes like a sweet flower....LOVE!), and Ryan had chose the Swedish festive drink called Dryck Paskmust (he said it reminded him of beer).....from our luch at Ikea.
  • The time we left Ikea (approximately 5:37pm.....we were there for almost 6 hours!).
  • Negative space with the Ikea sign and sky.

And that's it!  Finito!!!  Anyone else have photos for week in the life that they've shared?  I'd love to see.  <3 Carrie

1 comment:

  1. Someday I need to visit the Ikea here which resides next to the mall of america! I have yet to go!!!
