Happy first day of April to you! Today it is just little old me sharing my photo for today's photo prompt.....but it is a photo is that very special to me and also somewhat of a gift to you too : ) Today's photo prompt is:
Sharing Happy Thoughts

You are beautiful. And yes, I am talking to you. I wrote this sweet little note, so you could see it and believe it <3
The idea for this prompt is so write a sweet note onto a piece of paper, photograph it, and share your happy thoughts with others.
Yesterday, my brother, his girlfriend, and my nephew surprised us with an impromptu visit.....driving all the way from Salt Lake City up to us in the Pacific Northwest! So, I thought to myself that my nephew would be the perfect helper with today's prompt. I quickly grabbed him from away from playing with my baby brother and sister and asked if you wanted to help me with a photo. Of course he said yes with a big smile. And so that is him pictured above, holding our happy thoughts. Perfect.
After I took this photo I thought of all sorts of ways this prompt could be more interactive. Like I may have each of the kids write their happy though onto a piece of paper and then photograph what they want to share. I hope you find this prompt as sweet and good for the soul as I do. And as always if you decide to play along please share your photos with us by adding a link with a comment or adding to our Flickr Group.
Have a wonderful, beautiful weekend!
Love, Carrie
I love this - love that your family surprise you and showed up and love the little nephew helping out!! I hope you're having fun miss carrie!!!