A big thank you for all your sweet comments about this project and my Blume and Grow Market grand opening! I am so excited to finally be able to share the fun with you all!!!
Today it's Part 2 of my Elias Week In The Life Minibook, and just like yesterday, you'll see I used the following products from my shop in these final pages of my project.....
I used the Chevron and Sweet Hearts Transparencies to make my homemade page protectors, and the Chevron with Text Template to layer over my full page photo to add the day of week and date. If you have any other questions about the assembly or products please feel free to ask in the comments or shoot me an email.
One of the things I love the most about this project is the combination of digital camera and Instagram photos. (You can click on the images to view them larger in Flickr.) Happy crafting!

Also, just a reminder that for a limited time, as a bonus each person that purchases product from my Blume and Grow Market will receive my 10 page PDF tutorial for creating a custom Handmade Page Protector (just like in the examples above). Thanks for looking :D
I am so obsessed with this!!!!!!!! My mouth was hanging open!!