(You can click on the above images to view them larger in Flickr.)
Today I am sad that it's the last day of the 30 day photo challenge. Taking these daily photos has definitely made my September more fun then I thought it was going to be. One of the reason's is that I am creating a minibook with all 30 of my photos! I only have 9 pages done so far, but there is one for each day, so at least I'm a 1/3 of the way done : ) Will share a few of the pages as soon as I figure out how I am going to photograph them. This project has also done a great job of documenting my life, my likes and what I have been up to this month. My taste for things is constantly changing, so it will be kind of cool to see how different things are in October. Anyways, for today's final *in motion* photo, the easiest thing that came to mind was the above photo(s).....Ponyo chasing a ball in the backyard. He loves to run, and jumps around like a kangaroo when he's excited! It's really cute. Thanks for stopping by today! Happy October 1st tomorrow!!! <3 Carrie