Monday, January 31, 2011

Project Monday

Hello there : )  And welcome to another Project Monday!

This week I wanted to make something simple, yet still inspiring for my I decided to make myself an ATC to hang on my inspiration board.

*Naturally Me* ATC

Now when I look up and see it hanging, it brings a smile to my face.  I guess it's a symbol of sorts to help me remember that place and give just the right amount of motivation : )

And I had fun using more product from Color Me Miki for this little project.  The background of my ATC is a woodgrain packing tape that I can't wait to use again!  There is green and white bakers twine wrapped around it as well, and tied with a bow.  I added "2011" to the front with mini green alphas.  And in the center of the wheel is a pretty coral button layered with a circle punched out of a Jenni Bowlin ticket.  (The yellow ribbon, and paper for the wheel are scraps from my personal stash.)

I see few more little inspiration board projects in my future.....they are too much fun!!!


(Gloria's project coming soon)

Check back tomorrow to see a fun post with our February guest <3

Love, Gloria and Carrie

What type are you?

What type are you?

Found this fun quiz link over at Moon In My Garden.  It tells you what font matches your personality from four questions.  Try it HERE!

Photos from CHA tomorrow : )
<3 Carrie

Friday, January 28, 2011

Happy Friday!

Our new photo prompt is up over at Bubblegum Life today.....if you feel like playing with your camera this weekend : )

Friday's are my cleaning day, so lots of excitement going on here.....LOL!  Tomorrow I am off to visit CHA up in LA.  It will be so nice.  I am looking forward to being surrounded by lovely scrapbook products again, and if I get some yummy pictures I'll share on Monday.  Anyone else looking forward to going?

Have the best weekend!!!
<3 Carrie

Your appointment with Friday

Welcome to another weekend with your camera : ) This weeks prompt is to take a portrait of yourself somewhere you normally wouldn't be, and then add a caption.  It could be a description of what's going on, the emotion your feeling, or whatever.  The idea is to get your creativity going.....kinda like jump starting your creative engine.  So, if you're feeling the winter blues, or just need some new inspiration please join us on this fun for life photo prompt:

Getting creative.

*i'm ready*

First off, I have to say that this is a prompt that is growing on me.  The more I get involved with the process, the more I am loving it!  For starters, once I thought about it, it was easy to decide on where to take my photos.....laying on the soft moss in my backyard that I think is soooo beautiful.  I use to lay in the grass all the time when I lived in Washington and never do here in San Diego.  It was lovely.  Soft.  My favorite color.  It brought a smile to my face and made my heart feel light as a feather.

*naturally me*

When I got back to my computer and looked at the photos, I realized that I had forgot to put any makeup on this morning.  This got me thinking about my captions, and just like I had hoped my creative engine took off.  I thought about how much I feel at home in that place.  Even though there isn't a lot of green where I live, I found some.  It reminded me that I am ready to make life a natural way.....but still in a way that makes my dreams a reality. 

See what I mean about this prompt growing on you?!?  Grab your camera and find creativity.....


And here's Gloria's photo.....

Holy cow I am under the table. 

I wanted to be silly and take a picture under a table.  It's kinda wacky but it also makes you  feel young at heart.  Have fun with taking a creative picture.

Love, Gloria and Carrie

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Early this morning.....


.....I was drinking this thick chocolate vanilla chai.....and biting into a rich cafe hazelnut truffle.  I know it may sound silly, but since I'm awake before the sun rises these days, simple little pleasures give my day a wonderful jump start : )


Today I decided I'm going to take some time for myself.  Normally Sunday is my day to do what I want and not think about my lists, but the rest of this week is crazy busy (and CHA is on Saturday....Yay!!!!).  So, I am finally making time to start on a project for me that I am super excited about!!!  I'll be using the entire Pink Ninja Addicts January kit for this one project.....or at least that is what I have planned.  Keep your fingers crossed that nothing comes up (I get distracted easily these days).  Later I hope to make time to finish organizing my scrapbook area in our living room.  You see, I have this crazy plan to not use my craft table for any storage other than things that need to be plugged in, like my typewriter, sewing machine, etc...we'll see how that works out.....for me it's a constant process of trying different things to find out whats suits me best : )

What are some of your favorite ways to organize your craft supplies?

I hope you have a wonderful day!
<3 Carrie

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Adventuresome & Sweet Photos

When you set out on your journey...

I haven't a clue as to how my story will end. But that's all right. When you set out on a journey and night covers the road, you don't conclude that the road has vanished. And how else could we discover the stars?  -Nancy Willard

A happy memory never wears out.

Recall as often as you wish;  A happy memory never wears out.  -Libby Fudim

See beauty in the simple things...

See beauty in the simple things.  Then you will always be amazed.  -Gloria King

No yesterdays on the road.

When you're travelling, you are what you are right there and then. People don't have your past to hold against you. No yesterdays on the road.  -William Least Heat Moon

 Love, Gloria and Carrie

Wednesday ~ Heart Flutter

a chocolate kinda day...

Today my heart flutter is three things in one!
  1. My first digital layout : )
  2. This pretty pretty FREE digital paper courtesy of Kara Haupt.  You can download it HERE.
  3. White and dark chocolate heaven.

This paper has so many possibilities!  It's simply lovely!!!

Sees Candy *LOVE*

And I have been craving Sees Candy every since Christmas, so yesterday I decided it was finally time to go get some!  This box is mostly dark chocolate Scotchmallows, but also some of their new White Strawberry Truffle, and their delightful Cafe Hazelnut.   Uhmmmm......sooooo gooooood!!!  I know what I'm having as an appetizer before dinner ; )

I think you deserve a treat today!  What are your favorite chocolate candies?

Enjoy your day!!!
<3 Carrie

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Sleepless Nights

He's fast!

In the evenings our puppy loves to run!  He just goes and goes.....tonight I caught a few photos of him in action.  They're blurry, but today I like the effect.  It kind of reminds me of how I have been feeling the last few days.  A little lethargic, kinda seeing everything blurry.  My mind is clear and happy but very slow.  This past week I have not been sleeping.  My body wants it, but won't let it.  It's silly.  But, being silly is me to a tee!  Oh, and daydreams are pleasantly a current past time.....

Away he goes!

I wonder what he was thinking when I took this photo?

Ponyo 1.25.11

I love our little fella <3

Have a great night, and see ya tomorrow.....I have my first digital layout to share!
: ) Carrie

Monday, January 24, 2011

Project Monday

Hello Monday!  Today we get to share our projects with you.  The sweet Kara, came up with our last photo prompt, and here is what we made with our photos.....Oh, and thanks for your comments on our last post, it was fun reading some of your rituals!!!

I think it's only fitting to start out with Kara's lovely layout today.....

I was always intimidated with digital scrapbooking until I was on the Kitschy Digitals creative team.  I decided to try it one day and I've enjoyed the experience since.  It's fun to do when I'm tired of my paper scrapbooking supplies or I don't want to get out of bed.  I can scrapbook right from my warm bed!  I kept this page simple because I wanted the journaling and photos to do the talking.
Hope you like!


And here's Gloria's dreamy layout.....

Once I got my picture printed for this layout, I looked at it and realized the memories I hold so close to me of how my ritual came to be.  I chose to use dream tickets because It seems like the memories I have attached were like a dream.....Then I surrounded it with a couple of frames that represent time.  I look at it and think of my mom.  Its strange how certain smells remind us of our grandmother or for me its makeup.....It reminds me of my mom every time : )


And last yours truly.....

*Music Is*

I went a little wild with my project this week....I'm not sure exactly what happened.  Maybe it was using such a simple photo?!?  Who knows.  It was fun putting it together, and I think that's important ; )

Here are some of the details.  I used some deep gold thread, popped up some clouds, used lots of white paper and layered......

*Music Is* Layout (sewing)

*Music Is* Layout (clouds)

*Music Is* Layout (my ritual)

Most of the products used on my layout are from one of my favorite online shops, Color Me Miki.....(who was kind enough to sponsor my Project Monday this week).  You will find the Hambly overlay, heart tags, green floral tape, green button, and blue frame (which I cut out of a pack of journaling cards) in this lovely shop : )

I hope you are inspired to create something beautiful this week.

Love, Gloria, Carrie and Kara

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Friday, January 21, 2011

Your appointment with Friday

Welcome to this weeks photo prompt with special guest Kara Haupt!!!  The photo prompt she chose for today is.....


This being my first year of college and the first time being so far away from the home I grew up in, it's been oddly hard to reflect on the last five months. Everything is so fast paced and always so busy that trying to "find my center" has been difficuilt. I wanted to do a prompt that was a little more abstract and the first thing that popped into my head was "ritual". I thought about the little rituals that have become my daily habits since starting school. I began to brew my own coffee every morning and with my morning cup I would check my emails and see what was new on my favorite blogs and on Twitter. I also starting wearing socks to bed because my dorm room is so cold. They're simple things. Nothing really of much note. But, they have become symbolic, calming habits.

The simple act of pouring in the grounds and the mixing in creamer calms me. It's dumb, but it's a little reminder that I'm taking care of myself. I make my own coffee. I get out of bed on my own and I chose to wake up and take care of myself that day. I never used to wear socks to bed, it's an odd habit I picked up since moving. My socks are always mismatched because I'm too lazy to fold them together. I like them that way though. The silliness of them remind me of home. My mom always buys me these dorky seasonal socks and pulling out a clean pair of socks before bed always makes me smile. Reminds me where I come from, who loves me, and that, sometimes, having warm toes at night is all that really matters.

My photos aren't especially artistic. They're simple photos of simple things. Simple things that matter.


And here's Gloria's take.....

My ritual started when I was about 12. I used to go into my mom's room every morning around 8 a.m. I loved watching her take the curlers out of her hair. Next she would clean her face and apply cream. Then she would look at me and smile as I sat on her counter looking longingly at her. I loved what followed. My mom never went anywhere without her hair done and her makeup. Ok so next comes her eyelashes. Yes, my mom has worn eyelashes for as long as I can remember. They look so cool on her. In about ten minutes she went from normal to glam. An entire makeup ritual one could not wait to recreate. I don't wear lashes but I get up, wash my face and do my makeup in the same order my mom did. I see myself.....12 years old with my mom as often as I do it. I wonder if my daughter will do the same? I am not sure, but I can honestly say that I hope to have my makeup ritual until I am 90.....


And my ritual.....

Carrie's Daily *Ritual*

I think it is in my nature to be rebellious to the idea of monotony when it comes to the little things.  Most of the time it gives me anxiety.....knowing what's coming.  However, I am finding that there are things in my life that constantly give me happiness and peace.  I have been trying to embrace these ideas as a form of daily comfort, and it's been nice.  Something that I have always enjoyed, but only in the last few months has become a "ritual" is waking up in the morning with a big stretch and squeek (yes, I squeek when I stretch), and turning on music.  It literally gets me out of bed.....makes me excited for my day.....and helps me start out my day in a very relaxing way.  I really love songs that are soothing and inspiring all at the same time for this.  And the butterfly CD in my photo is Fantasies by "Metric".

I think the idea of this ritual all started from my childhood.  I've always enjoying listening to music with my Dad, and I've always enjoyed listening to music in the morning.  My Dad had a sound system with speakers in all the rooms downstairs installed in our house at one point, and would sometimes wake us up over the weekend by blasting fun music.  Without even making this connection, it became a ritual that I now look forward to helping me start out my day.  Doing this for myself has been a joy!

What ritual(s) brighten your day?

Love, Gloria, Carrie and Kara

Kara Haupt visits Bubblegum Life.....

She loved life

.....and what is the photo prompt she came up with for today???  Go check out the Bubblegum Life blog to see ; )

Have a great weekend!!!
<3 Carrie

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Adventuresome & Sweet Photos

Sometimes we get lost in our own forest

We sometimes get lost in our own forest.  We think we are on the right path only to find out we were a little lost. We must remember that each turn teaches us valuable lessons.

Beauty of the earth

She knelt down to see if she could find what she had been looking for, and the beauty of the earth filled her heart with magic.  There was light all around her.

She was the treasure

Then as soon as she looked up she realized that she was the light, for she was full of endless possibilities.  She saw she was the treasure.

We are often too afraid.....

We are often too afraid to go in the direction our heart calls us to go.

Move slowely forward with a graceful heart

But if we listen closely to our own whispers and move slowly forward with a grateful heart.  You will hear that little bird whispering in your ear.....You are the one you have been looking for.....It's you!!!!

{Inspirational words written by Gloria}

Love, Gloria and Carrie

Wednesday ~ Heart Flutter

Fields of white

On fields of white hearts have wings.....

Hearts have wings

My heart flutter for today are my new Vans that I found at the Park City outlet mall.  I seems to wear them with just about everything since I got them.  And all that beautiful, lovely white mind keeps taking me there.  I remember when we were driving to Salt Lake City for Christmas with my brother, and it was like 3am.  Southern Utah is pure magic covered in snow.....especially in the middle of the night when everything glows bright white.  I love roadtrips.  Driving at night somewhere beautiful.  It's exciting.  The photo above however is from our trip back home sometime in the early morning hours.  Still looks pretty doesn't it?!?

Enjoy your day!  And since it's Wednesday maybe you should do something special.....ya know, to break up the manotany of the week.  Happy hour, a movie, a coffee date.....whatev.  Have a good one ; )

<3 Carrie

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Playdate with Kara Haupt

We are thrilled today to introduce you to our guest for January!  Kara is an inspiration for many of us with her photography, art journaling, scrapbooking, random fun art and posts on her real life that we can all relate to.  She will be sharing an awesome photo prompt with us this Friday (Jan. 21st), and special project on Monday (Jan. 24th).....are you excited yet?!?!.....Well, in the meantime here are a few things about her you might not know:
  •    1. What is your favorite time of day to take photos?
On sunny days, the 'golden hour' before the sun sets is definitely my favorite. Though shade and overcast skies are easy and consistent, I really love the ways I can use sunlight to get an interesting photo. During the summer, I also like to use shaded area in the middle of the day. The sky is so bright and skin glows beautifully in the shade.
  •    1. What is the most foolish thing you are looking forward to doing this year?
Roadtrips and gross motels.
  •    1. What is the next artistic step for Kara?
I'm working on two collaborative business in 2011 that I'm really, really excited for. One is with my close friend, Kip. We're not saying too much about it now, but I can say that it's one of the most exciting and fulfilling things I've done in a long time. Working with Kip is a dream and it's been awesome to see the details of it unfolding, especially in the last week. The other is a fun side project that includes my handwriting. More on all that soon! I'm also working on a mini art journal class for February and ironing down definite goals for my photography business. It's going to be a big year.
  •    1. What is the most beautiful thing to you about New York?
Though New York is so huge and easy to get lost in the mix, I love the amount and diversity of people that live here. I walk or take the subway everywhere I go and really love to experience the different type of people I encounter in just an hour. Cultures and claustrophobia. Sort of what New York is.
  •    1. What is your favorite thing to do with photos?
Hmmm. That's a hard one. Either blog, tape them to my wall, or art journal with. Can't decide.

For more fun with Kara visit us again on Friday.....and see ya tomorrow for some new adventuresome and sweet photos!

Love, Gloria and Carrie

Gnome Tags

N is for Nely

N is for Nely.  This was my Christmas gift to her this past Christmas.  Some fun little gnome tags, and a pretty mug to hold them : )

Gnome Tags

Gnome tag set

the to and from

Aren't gnomes just the cutest little earthy guys?!?

Recently Nely, Ally and I had a fun craft party.  We ate sushi.  Drank Saki.  Listened to music.  Chatted.  Nely and I made curtains.  Made plans.  And I am meeting her today to make more plans because we have a photoshoot scheduled for this weekend (for a project we are working on).....and I think it's going to be really awesome.  I have really been getting into the photography and photoshop thing lately and am loveing it!

Who is one of your favorite photographers?  Well, to see one of mine make sure to visit the Bubblegum Life blog today.....

Happy Tuesday!!!
<3 Carrie

Monday, January 17, 2011

Oh, kids and their toys.....

Boba Fett

Today I'm remembering all the cute kids at Christmas.

He said he loved everything he got (and I loved his Boba Fett helmet)!

Baby Doll

She said she loved her doll that peed and pooped (and changing it's diapers)....gross...LOL!!!

Nerf Machine Gun

And he played with his new Nerf machine gun most of the night.....had to practice his aiming, ya know?!?

Speaking of playing, tonight I am trying to not think about my Project Monday that was due up at Bubblegum Life today.  I totally enjoy doing my projects, but yesterday and today my mind has been on other things.  Does that ever happen to you?  To help organize my thoughts, in a little bit I will write a list of "to do" stuff for tomorrow.  Nice thing is, I am excited for most of it.....and my lists do seem to help me get more done.  Oh, and I have finally made the time to organize some of my scrapbook/art stuff here and there.  Finally.  Making time.

OK.  Well, I'm off to make a cup of tea and work on my project.  Make sure to visit Bubblegum Life tomorrow to see who our super cool January guest is ; )

See ya soon!
<3 Carrie

Friday, January 14, 2011

Your appointment with Friday

Well, it is finally the weekend and Gloria and I have a fun new prompt for you lovelies today.  The new prompt is.....

In Series

*In Series* Jump

se·ries  (sîr'ēz) pronunciation
noun, plural -ries, adjective

A number of objects or events arranged or coming one after the other in succession.  [Latin seriēs, from serere, to join]  Series  is applied to a number of things of the same kind, usually related to each other, arranged or happening in order: a series of baseball games.

I've never intentionally taken a series of photos like this before.  And I have to say the most difficult part for me was deciding what I wanted to photograph.  Should I make a bunch of crazy faces, or write a sweet sentence on paper one word at a time?  I don't know what made me decide to jump.....maybe it's because I was thinking about being outside, or that I love it when my photos have movement?!?  But it felt great.  I felt free and happy and strong and silly all at the same time.  And I've actually never taken a self portrait jumping before, so this ended up being a fun little experiment.  (Next I want to try it in a field with tall grass or something crazy like that.)  But the cool thing is that now don't just have a moment to remember, but a bunch of moments that tell my little story in a different way.  This was a happy day.  A great day.  A day I did just what I wanted to do....jump.  What will your In Series be?


In Series

A series of pictures to me gives movement to paper.  It takes me to that moment because I feel you can see it move.  You can see a clip of that person's life.  Its almost touchable.  I chose movement of my hands because it looks free and pretty to me.  I like the freedom of movement....

Love, Gloria and Carrie

Soft colors for Spring

*Soft Spring* Wreath

I know it's not spring yet, and actually I prefer the winter wheather here in San Diego, but it hasn't kept me from thinking about all the pretty flowers and soft colors that it brings.....

*Soft Spring* Wreath (close)

I made this yarn wreath as a present for my beautiful friend Ally.  You may know her as the super cool Ninja Master Ally from the Pink Ninja Addicts.  They have an amazing kit for sale this month!  Take a peek.....

*Glitter in the air* Collage

It's been ages since I've set foot inside a scrapbook store, so this kit was the perfect treat.  I'm making a book with it's lovely product, and it'll be the first thing I've made for myself in a while, so I'm super excited!!!  Today the photos I had printed will be ready for pickup.  That means I will probably put the guts of my book together this evening.....yay!....can't wait!!!

Here's to a great weekend : )
<3 Carrie